Banana Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie

Recipes | June 12, 2015 | By

A delicious after workout protein smoothie!

4 oz almond milk, low fat milk, cashew milk, soy milk or rice milk
4 oz water
1/2 scoop chocolate shakeology or other chocolate protein powder
1/2 a banana
1 tsp peanut butter or pb2
1 tsp extra virgin coconut oil, melted
half a cup of ice

Add all ingredients into a blender and blend! Serve and enjoy 🙂

Equals 1💛 .5❤️ .5💚 and 2 tsps


1 Comment

  1. Lucas_O

    July 12, 2024 at 11:01 pm

    Very interesting subject, thanks for posting.Blog monetyze


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