About Us
Hi everyone! We are Nicky and Eric, and we have both struggled with our weights our whole life. Once our son was born, we wanted to make sure we were healthy and around for a long time. We loved to cook, so we took that and started to work with healthier, cleaner ingredients. We are happy to bring those recipes to you here on our blog.
Nicky has a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science and Administration. She loves food and science and learning, and hopes to work in Research and Development in the near future. She would love to be able to create new and healthy food items, just like we try to do on our blog!
Eric is a television Editor; who while creating exciting promos for many of the shows you love, is also trying to think of the next “big idea.” He didn’t eat vegetables for the first 30 years of his life until Nicky introduced him to the world of healthy and creative cooking.
We love cooking, baking and helping people. We post a lot of healthy and delicious food recipes and photos, as well as inspirational quotes, reviews of products we love, and general things that make us laugh that we find along the way!
Thank you for joining us and good luck on your journey to weight loss, health, and a stronger body!