Hidden Veggie Lasagna!

Recipes | May 23, 2015 | By

It’s my birthday tomorrow so I wanted to make a special dinner, but I didn’t want to stray from our #21dayfix. My husbands final 2 days of Round 1 are today and tomorrow so I wasn’t going to mess up all his efforts with an off program dinner. This lasagna looks and tastes like the real thing but it’s full of veggies and all #21dayfix approved ingredients.

1 jar of tomato sauce
1 lb lean ground beef
1 cup steamed butternut squash
1 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1 cup steamed cauliflower
1 egg white
6 blue containers shredded mozarella
12 whole wheat lasagna noodles pre-boiled
Spices (I used salt and pepper and Italian seasoning blend).

Food process the butternut squash and set aside in a bowl. Food process the cottage cheese, an egg white and the cauliflower together and set aside. Pour half the bottle of sauce into the bottom of a 9×13 baking dish, spread around to cover the bottom of the baking dish. Cover sauce with some of the lasagna noodles. In a large pan cook the ground beef with some of the spices and once cooked add the puréed butternut. Mix all together and pour a little tomato sauce in to coat. Add half the meat mixture on top of the noodles. Add half of the puréed cottage cheese/cauliflower mixture on top of the meat and put another layer of noodles. Repeat. Add one more layer of noodles and pour the rest of the tomato sauce over the top. Use a spatula to spread the sauce to cover all the noodles. Finally sprinkle the top with the 6 blue containers of mozzarella cheese and add a bit more salt and pepper and Italian seasoning to taste. Bake at 425′ covered with foil for 25-30 mins. Remove foil and bake 5 more minutes until cheese is bubbly and brown. Cut and Serve! Makes 6 servings 🙂 

Equals 2 ❤️, 1 💙, 2 💚, 1 💜 and 2 💛 per serving.

Hidden Veggie Lasagna!

1 Comment

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